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Cleaning - Flowtube and cover are made of polycarbonate material. Solvents and cleaningsolutions may seriously affect the strength and transparency ofthe material. Use only clean-ing solutions recommended by the manufacturer. lf cleaning of the unit is desired, the exterior surfaces can safely be wiped off with a clean, lint-free cloth and isopropyl alcohol.
Maintenance - This unit should be periodically checked and repaired, ifnecessary, or whenmalfunction is suspected or occurs.
Repairs -Repairs must be performed by a qualified equipment repairman
1.Chromed brass bodied Flowmeter
2.PC tube for durability
3.Available in 15 LPM for oxygen
4.Color coded inner tube and labelling
5.Easy to service
6.Metal knob chrome plated7.Calibrated at 50psi8.90° side entry is available
DO NOT permit untrained persons to install, operate or maintain this equipment.DO NOT attempt to install or operate this equipment until you have read and fullyunderstand these instructions. if you do not fully understand theseinstructions, contact us for further information.
CAUTlON: For medicinal use the law restricts this device to use by or on the order of aphysician.
Oxygen is a non-flammable gas, however, oxygen substantially increase its risk tobecome flammable materials when combined with oxygen, oil, grease and otherhydrocarbons. These materials should never be used or applied on any part of theoxygen flowmeter or other equipment used with oxygen.
DO NOT smoke in the area where oxygen is in use.
Medease flowmeters are intended to be used with a 345 kPa (50psi) gas source.